Whether you team is comprised of Node.js developers ready to move to the next level, or engineers who are ready to transition to JavaScript and Node.js, we can help.
We offer professional training, consulting, and practical talks structured around your company’s needs, for developers with various skills. Sessons are run by PhoneGap / Cordova co-creators and former Joyent Engineers Brock Whitten and Rob Ellis.
We’re happy to discuss what kind of workshop or consulting your team will benefit from the most. Contact us.
Community Meetups
Our experience extends into organizing education events, as well. Chloi Inc. helps organise three popular and completely free meetups in Vancouver: Node Brigade, CSS Brigade, and Type Brigade.
Node Brigade
Server, client, CLI, API, messaging, and more. All about Node.js.
Type Brigade
Vancouver’s type design and typography speaker series meetup.
CSS Brigade
There are no shortage of challenges when it comes to writing and maintaining CSS for modern web applications. Let's solve that problem at CSS Brigade.
The Chloi Inc. team speaks regularly at events—close to home in Vancouver, to Chicago, and as far away as Australia. If you’re looking for speakers, let us know.
Efficient Web Type, c. 1556
Efficient Web Type, c. 1556
Efficient Web Type, c. 1556
Syntax Highlight Everything
Building, Deploying, and Scaling Node.js Apps / Seattle Startup Week
Brian and Brock’s App Adventure
Efficient Web Type, c. 1556
Efficient Web Type, c. 1556
Brian and Brock’s App Adventure
Efficient Web Type, c. 1556
Flexbox and what you can do with it
Lessons learned building the Harp Platform
Designers Hate Whitespace
CSS Element Queries